Announcing the Seagate Spockalypse of NT, rods, dens, and berriesProof of the Creation of humanity, Holy Purpose, and directions for leaving Hell.
By: Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge, Inc. Religion, once called "the opiate of the masses" has a secret for you; like Santa Claus we hope to rain down fancy new toys, truth, and newfound liberty by exposing the influence of and existence of a number of hidden advanced technologies. The stories of Exodus and Genesis begin to provide a road map to a shining bright future, explaining how these technologies might and ought to be used in order to help advance our civilization, rather than retard it. Within the pages that follow, a Holy call to rekindle the light of democracy by using computers and better communication to bring to our world true democracy, to deliver the power of legislation directly to each and every one of us. Along with proof that religion is a message sent through time, we are given ample reason to quickly implement "pre-crime" and rework a justice system which has been compromised in much the same way as many other facets of our government. Intertwined with these things, and seemingly more important is proof that we are living in virtual reality--in a place where these technologies are here to teach us the inner workings of "Heaven" and to help us see how this change in worldview and truth gives us new hope and new abilities: to end world hunger, to heal the sick, and to see what it is that "Heaven" really means. Creation here is being explained hopefully with clarity, there are a number of stories both Biblically linked and not which "come alive" in our world showing the intent and desires of the Creator to help us through this trying time of understanding and using the technology and knowledge that is coming to us. Here, I'll explain a few, like Star-Trek, Minority Report, the voting booth vendor Die Bold, and the Watergate Scandal. In Hebrew Exodus means Names, read in reverse and translated from Unix Commands: "LET THERE BE LIGHT" You are slaves wandering through the desert of Exodus, unfortunately we apparently are moving backwards through this maze and as a whole we are headed from hidden slavery to something far worse. There are a number of clues that we are in fact backwards right now, from the name of the book read in reverse revealing the most important words God ever spoke, to the word for Holy Fire … describing the Burning Bush containing the English word for "sea" parted and backwards. If you are unfamiliar with the story, the word of God came through a fiery bush to Moses, who then later in the story parted a sea to free the people; you should start to shift your thinking and begin to see that this story is about us, the sea parting is about controversy over this disclosure, and that the entirety of the story is designed to unveil a hidden secret: that much of ancient religion and language is designed to prove that time travel exists. It does this very clearly, through anachronism, English appearing out of place in more places than are imaginable. What is the meaning of the root of a Jesse? Depictions of the Jesse Tree are based on a passage from the Book of Isaiah. "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots" (King James Version). From the Latin Vulgate Bible used in the Middle Ages: ... Thus Jesus is the Virga Jesse or "stem of Jesse". This is a reference to the Unix "God account," one of many references in ancient scripture to modern technology and computing. It is not an accident, it is designed to open our eyes and see that there is a foundational relationship between Heaven and virtual reality; and that this was clearly known when these words of scripture were written. sudo (/ˈsuːduː/ or /ˈsuːdoʊ/) is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser. It originally stood for "superuser do" as the older versions ofsudo were designed to run commands only as the superuser. Connecting the idea of the "Administrator account" to God, this command then, when translated to "English" is my equivalent of "God says" or "as God say" and does a decent job of connecting the ideas and concepts of religion to computer science; also showing that not only were they known but clearly the influence behind religion is also centrally involved in the divine disclosure of these technologies, from Unix to databases, to the names of people like Bill Gates and Windows, Steve Jobs and Adam's Apple. A significant key to the Revelation of Christ ties the words of Revelation 1:20 to Ecclesiastes 9:11; exposing a link between "the stars" as planets of our solar system and corresponding elements of our periodic table… from Mercury to Uranium. This link to Xenon was the very first element that I "found" through this inspirational experience; and it serves to tie the name of an Oracle database (and also the idea of an oracle presenting the truth to you) to an element primarily used for flashbulbs and "ark" lamps. In unison I see these things as a decent metaphor for "light" and so, sudo xecompletes the phrase "God: see the light." "Look, he is comingwith the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen. Revelation 1:7 Compass book PDF: Website: End
Page Updated Last on: May 24, 2017