Nero sings, raelly.
To further place us in the “parable” of Exodus, where we will soon be concerned with technology, magic, quantum mechanics, and computer light… and also to further confirm the doublespeak of the message at hand, now to the tune… of the Doors.
The Plagues of Egypt.
3.1 1. Water into blood (דָם): Ex. 7:14–25
In short, we are in the Sangrael. As Aaron’s rod turned water to blood, and Jesus water to wine… as the Lion of Revelation 5:5 is “Adam in Eden,” all are a testament the goodness of family, to our way of life, to the fact that we are proverbially speaking “lions in a Den.” You see, blood is thicker than water… and WINE is a language twist for “IN WE I TRUST.”
The word Eden too, is an anachronistic proof that the transition to Greek, Latin, and English was known at the time of writing the Old Testament. EDen means paradise, and aside from perhaps a “functional” relationship to home, has no connection to the word “Den” or “Lions.” The use of Lion in Revelation, along with the repeated references to the periodic table, serve as proof not that religon came from here,but that it is about now, and that the future was known to the “hidden author.”
I’ll get back to this one, shortly, in the meantime, Morrison’s answer to “Frogs” is pertinent.
3.2 2. Frogs (צְּפַרְדֵּעַ): Ex. 7:25–8:11
There’s blood in the streets, it’s up to my ankles Blood in the streets, it’s up to my knee Blood in the streets in the town of Chicago Blood on the rise, it’s following me
3.9 9. Darkness (חוֹשֶך): Ex. 10:21–2
Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And our love become a funeral pyre
3.7 7. Thunderstorm of hail and fire (בָּרָד): Ex. 9:13–35
Riders on the storm Into this house we’re born Into this world we’re thrown Like a dog without a bone Make him understand The world on you depends Our life will never end
There’s more, just to use all of Nero’s lyrics, this one tying us directly to the sixth seal of Revelation: theinfamous you and I verse, or UNIverse–for short:
Now touch me, baby Can’t you see that I am not afraid? Now, I’m gonna love you Till the heavens stop the rain I’m gonna love you Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I Jim Morrison, The Doors
It’s probably worth a quick mention, this parallels both the 4th day of creation, and the 6th seal; the stars going up… and then back down. It sounds a little bit like Isaac Newton’s and Adam’s Apple. Both of course, due to thegravity of the situation. Seriously, if you haven’t guessed, we’re talking about “The Heavens” here.
If you haven’t gotten the implication, Nero is just another euphemism fordoublespeak, this time in the lyrics of songs. As I found, and you will see, there’s always just a bit left out… sometimes its the twist to a happy ending. It is clear, to me at least, that this is the intention, the song titles themselves, “Peace,” and “light my fire” have the stuff of a bright happy turn, on what otherwise would be Plagues of Darkness.
And now, here we are. Reading a book about “the colors of fire,” I’m about to bring blood into the conversation, yet I am fully intent on getting a happy ending, and coming out shining like a bright morning star. Nix that, like the sun rising for the very first time.
It’s difficult to segue through a discussion on Hell without turning a few smiles upside down, but it’s pretty on topic right now, with all the fire and blood talk. So here’s the short talk, to be much more clearly discussed in the next few chapters.
A Hell of Darkness
This is what we are trying to avoid, walking in the dark, as Jesus says. Making it more clear, we are trying to avoid forgetting whether through systemic secrecy, fear of disaster, our outright subterfuge information that we need to survive, and to “pursue happiness.” More to the point, we are striving to continue evolution at all its echelons. I’m up to three now, and I’m going to throw down the Hammer of Thor, or Ha’thor, right after the hammer of Judah Maccabee.
If we were using the alphabet as a kind of GPS on our position in the story, we just jumped from J of K (that’s the one immediately following J, to J of L (jolinar, the hamer of thor… j of l, i near… linear?) and then to the J of M, Judah Maccabee (which means Hammer, in Hebrew)
Thor’s and Judah’s hammer’s are tightly intertwined, now, but they might not always have been that way… in fact, truth be told, prior to the need for a “lesson” (that’s what Torah means) on advanced technology, we may never have had a problem (and in fact, social evolution, of which we are proud graduates), is the solution to a Hell of Silence and Apathy.
The Hammers of God
So what are these hammer’s doing? Lost somewhere between a “Fall” from Eden and Earth is the knowledge of exactly where we are. Certainly, at least it was lost by the masses, if we ever did have it before now. Truth be told, we have not lost the knowledge, nor have we lost Eden; we are still in the Garden of God. This fact is the crux of the story of Exodus, of a battle between “true magic” and “illusion” that proves nothing short of the existence not of simply mind control, but of “computer light.” You see, the Garden of Eden is built in a simulated reality. It is not until the here and now, a time when the masses comprehend with understanding what it actually means, what the possibilities are, and what the repercussions should be, that “Eden” would mean much more than a naked couple that didn’t know how to farm.
This “right time,” is the very nature of the light of our religion. That we have had, but could not use this valuable information, information which, at the right time could save the hungry, heal the suck, and bring about a new golden age. At an inopportune time, one in which we might be reminded of a microcosmic metaphor that expands scarcity of resources to simply being “false,” in a world where you cannot power the “Garden” from the inside… in that world, it could mean the difference between life and death. One is inevitable, and the other is the goal of religion. Here in this Garden, they seem to be intertwined, and this might just be the shining light, of humanity.
Where we are, in this place where I will soon tell you Eden, Egypt, and Earth are in maloviously clear superposition, complete with the lessons of Christ, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Moses and the Rod of Aaron, tightly intertwined. In a similar manner, a number of levels of “macro-evolution” are also intertwined. Bush’s poignant comments begin the conversation, time and chance, which happeneth, are the spark of biological evolution, the cause of life itself. After that, the first level of macro-evolution is social evolution, which is the fire of civilization, its spark… communication, collaboration, and tools. The beginning of the C’s of Maccabee, and those of Sinbad. It is the great lessons of society, clearly outlined by Cain and Abel, that we are not to forget the need for a Garden that is tended by ourselves. Self sufficiency, but more to the point, not forgetting how to Farm and Fish, as we would be remiss to forget how to start a Fire without Flint. At the same time, social evolution is the driving force behind the communion and compatriotism that are engendered by communication and collaboration… ultimately for the love for one another which embodies the words “family,” and “humanity.” This is nothing short of the fire of Prometheus.
Cousins in Christ, The Seas, ouI See. Christ: as Saturn, Sam, Jesus, and Seas
See how “Saturn, as Sam YosemiteS” really intertwines Society and Technology. It is the astrological symbol for saturn which superimposes the “how” of the second chr() in Christ, and I have replaced with “sem,” the “save everyone messiah.” It is this third level of evolution, technological evolution that we have been speeding through since the turn of the industrial revolution, and more poingniantly an explosion in computing and physics that is the true “technological singularity” of which we are the proud recipients. It is the union of the values of “Sam,” father of the “Sons of Liberty,” (sol), see our light… with the values of Saturn which is the key to successfully navigating the current time.
In December, he was celebrated at what is perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, the Saturnalia, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. Saturn the planet and Saturday are both named after the god.
In December, he was celebrated at what is perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, the Saturnalia, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. Saturn the planet and Saturday are both named after the god. Under Saturn’s rule, humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labor in the “Golden Age” described by Hesiod and Ovid.
Saturn’s name was derived from satu, “sowing.” Even though this etymology looks implausible on linguistic grounds (for the long quantity of the a in Sāturnus and also because of the epigraphically attested form Saeturnus) nevertheless it does reflect an original feature of the god.
Saturninus was a popularist politician who had proposed reduced-price grain distribution to the poor of Rome. The Saturnian imagery played on the tribune’s name and his intent to alter the social hierarchy to his advantage by basing his political support on the common people (plebs) rather than the senatorial elite.
I am getting ahead of myself but this is the crux of where we are. You see, framed so gently by the Burning Bush, we are in a place where we are to recognize, and hopefully learn from the lessons which are so carefully placed all around us. Not only in our religious works, but in the work of contemporary philosophers, scientists, farmers, and every mother and father that brings their child to art classes, little league, to school in the morning… and takes pride and finds happiness in their achievements. To “something out there,”
perhaps beneath the “pale moon light,” someone is wishing on a bright star…
Back to the doors, which were not brought up simply to further the argument that “Exodus” && “Revelation” is about the here and now.. the early 21st century, to be exact; or just that it is the beginning of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, “elabetally” also. But because it offers a solution to the puzzle, one which has been cleverly inserted in Culture, Exodus and Revelation… long before I had the privelege of being able to read with “eyes to see.” I’ve note the intentionally misspelling with italics, keep it in mind as I will return to it in the next chapter. The doors, together with a simple illogical line in Revelation tie together… with my experience… two ideas which are a posed solution to the issue at hand. They are, together with the eye of Osiris, (please read Siri, and think of an Apple phone) the unification of the concepts Jacob’s Ladder and Aaron’s Rod. Simply, Doors between heaven and Earth.
The idea is simple, that there is magic available, and that it must be preserved, that together we will do the right thing, solve a great puzzle, and create a testament to the goodness of humanity… but that we need information and tools in order to make it happen. The music of the Doors serves to insert that name in the context of both Jacob and Aaron… who are here and well with us today, metaphorically speaking.
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. Revelation 2:26-27
It is this line that I call “illogical,” and that illogic was the beginning of my Revelation, that it was part… if not the key… to the hidden message which I am reveling to you today. Through my journey, I have questioned whether or not “Christ” actually lived, and walked the Earth as we have; this single line was my primary example used to prove that no man of the values and ideals of Him would “rule them with an iron rod.”
It is with the addition of the eye of Osiris, eyes to see, or perhaps we only need James R. Osgood; that the message becomes maloviously clear. The rod is not a scepter, but rather Doors, and Christ’s iron the most appropriate I could imagine. You see, Iron is not to remind you of the “Pearly Gates of St. Peter,” but in true Christian ideals to the superimposed dual purpose of elucidating that the light of the world is all around us, even in the Periodic Table itself. Iron’s symbol is Fe, and Christ’s doors are For Everyone. Not only do we now see that “iron” was a hidden pointer proving knowledge of the periodic table of the elements, at the time of writing the New Testament, but that the ideals of Saturn and Sem, of the message to the power of humanity were maloviously lying in wait, for the here and now.
The Dendera Light, in the Temple of Ha’Thor
The culmination of the holy fire, the intertwining of technological and social evolution, the light of the Dendera reliefs buried under the temple of Hathor… in Ancient Egypt.