Tap into more advanced security permissions and admin settings with Bitbucket Cloud Premium. Learn more.

Built for professional teams

Bitbucket is more than just Git code management. Bitbucket gives teams one place to plan projects, collaborate on code, test, and deploy.

Bitbucket pull request example
Bitbucket pull request example
File Cabinet Icon

Free unlimited private repositories

Free for small teams under 5 and priced to scale with Standard ($3/user/mo) or Premium ($6/user/mo) plans.

Jira-Trello Integration

Best-in-class Jira & Trello integration

Keep your projects organized by creating Bitbucket branches right from Jira issues or Trello cards.


Built-in Continuous

Build, test and deploy with integrated CI/CD. Benefit from configuration as code and fast feedback loops.

Bitbucket pull request comment
Bitbucket pull request comment
Code Collaboration

Build quality software with code review

Approve code review more efficiently with pull requests. Create a merge checklist with designated approvers and hold discussions right in the source code with inline comments.

Continuous Delivery

Deploy often with built-in continuous delivery

Bitbucket Pipelines with Deployments lets you build, test and deploy with integrated CI/CD. Benefit from configuration as code and fast feedback loops.

Bitbucket Pipelines screenshot
Bitbucket Pipelines screenshot
Branch permissions screen
Branch permissions screen

Secure your workflow

Know your code is secure in the Cloud with IP whitelisting and required 2-step verification. Restrict access to certain users, and control their actions with branch permissions and merge checks for quality code.

New to Git?

No problem. We have resources to get you up to speed, quickly.

Git icon

Learn Git with interactive tutorials

Make Bitbucket your Git sandbox with tutorials that bring you up to speed with Git and help you build effective workflows.

Sourcetree icon

Download Sourcetree, our free Git GUI.

Say goodbye to the command line - Sourcetree simplifies how you interact with your Git repositories so you can focus on coding.

Integrations: Bitbucket, but better

Start with Bitbucket, then bring in the tools you already use to build better software

File Cabinet Icon

Jira Software

Improve efficiency by connecting branches, commits, and pull requests to Jira Software issues.

Jira-Trello Integration

Connect framework

Customize Bitbucket your way with apps that embed right in Bitbucket’s UI, built with Bitbucket Connect.


Trigger webhooks

Integrate easily with systems you already use in your day-to-day using Bitbucket webhooks.

More than 1 million teams and 10 million developers love Bitbucket

Customer logos
Customer logos

Simple plans hosted in the cloud. Priced to scale.


per user/month
up to 5 users
Free forever


per user/month
1-100 users
Starts at $15 /month


per user/month
1-100 users
Starts at $30 /month

101+ users?   We offer discounts for large teams! Calculate your price


See a demo of Bitbucket Cloud

Want to see Bitbucket Cloud in action? Watch a recorded demo and get the facts from one of our experts so you can get started yourself.


Want to host on your own server?

Get full control of your source code with Bitbucket self-hosted options. As your
team and workflow matures, graduate from a single server
deployment to a highly available, active-cluster with Bitbucket Data

A better way to build software