
The logo of the International Fleet.

The International Fleet, later known as the Interstellar Fleet, was a military organization formed to protect Earth from the Formics after the end of the First Formic War.[1]

It later became the military arm of Starways Congress.[2]



After the end of theĀ First Formic War, the nations of the world came together to establish multiple governments, militaries, and leadership positions to defendĀ EarthĀ from future attacks from theĀ Formics. Along with the creation of theĀ Hegemony and the offices ofĀ Polemarch and Strategos, the International Fleet was formed to be a military presence in the Solar System, protecting the human race from any hostile aliens who try to invade.[1]

The Fleet, along with the Hegemony, established International Fleet Common as the official language of the International Fleet to unify humanity against the Formics.[3]

The Swarm

After its formation, the International Fleet began researching experimental weapons and establishing outposts in both The Asteriod Belt and the Kuiper Belt. However, the organization was plagued with bureaucrats that were more interested in furthering their careers than winning the fight with the Formics.[3]

Post-Second Invasion

Following the Second Formic War, the Fleet declared that they had positioned a huge navy of ships beyond the comet shield to guard against a future attack. In reality, they had begun sending armed starships to the homeworlds of the Formics, to launch an invasion against their planets.[4]

The International Fleet also sent Mazer Rackham on a starship in order for him to age slower and still be alive to command the fleet when it arrived at the homeworlds of the Formics. Mazer took himself hostage and said he would not return to Earth unless they found a different fleet commander, and arranged to have the young Hyrum Graff set up the Battle School and other institutions to train possible candidates.[5]

Third Invasion

International Fleet Insignias Movie

When the fleet arrived at the Formics' solar systems, the I.F. had found its commander - Ender Wiggin. Through weeks of grueling battles against an inscrutable opponent, Ender and his Jeesh emerged victorious by firing the Molecular Disruption Device at the Formic Homeworld, annihilating the Hive Queens and destroying the Formics for good.[4]

Post-Third Invasion

After the Third Formic War, the I.F. was banned from operating on Earth except in the event of another alien invasion. They continued to be a military presence in the Solar System. They worked in conjunction with the Ministry of Colonization to administrate Fleet School, a training center for future colony explorers and governors.[6]

Sometime before 300 AX, the International Fleet was reformed into the Interstellar Fleet.[7]

By 500 AX, the Interstellar Fleet was under the jurisdiction of Starways Congress and had military outposts throughout the Hundred Worlds.[8] However, by 3000 AX, the Interstellar Fleet was simply known as the Fleet, and was indistinguishable from the rest of Starways Congress' organization.[2]

Second Xenocide

After discovering thatĀ xenobiologistsĀ Miro RibeiraĀ andĀ Ouanda FigueiraĀ had contaminated the still-developing culture of theĀ Pequeninos, Starways Congress ordered that the Fleet send 16 ships to Lusitania in order to evacuate the colony and avoid more cultural contamination. However, when the Lusitania colony cut off itsĀ AnsibleĀ connection andĀ rebelled against Congress, the fleet was ordered to destroy the planet with theĀ Molecular Disruption Device.[2]

As news of this spread across the Hundred Worlds, Valentine Wiggin, still operating under her pseudonym of Demosthenes, published a scathing denunciation of the fleet, calling it the Second Xenocide.[9]

Decades passed, and the fleet was nearing Lusitania's solar system.Ā After Peter Wiggin II and Si Wang-mu convinced Congress not to destroy the planet, Congress gave the order to the fleet not to launch the weapon. However, Admiral Bobby Lands, the commander of the fleet, acted otherwise and launched it, defying Congress's orders. Seeing that the Fleet had rebelled against Congress,Ā Jane managed to move the M.D. Device back into the flagship's cargo hold, saving Lusitania from destruction.[10]



WAMRED was the International Fleetā€™s Weapons and Materials Research Division. The purpose of WAMRED was to test any new technologies developed that could be used to attack the Formics. The division was stationed in its own space station. Mazer Rackham and his breach team, consisting of him, Rimas, Shambhani, and Kaufman, were a part of this division.[3]


The International Fleet utilized a variety of ships to accomplish their objectives, ranging from personnel shuttles to interstellar warships. All of their ships by at most 2 AX were coated in Nan-Ooze to protect them from possible openings.[4]


This small craft was primarily used to transport Fleet personnel between I.F. installations and bases. The shuttles were notably used to transfer new Launch Groups to Battle School.[4]


The International Fleet starfighter was the primary warship for attack and defense in the Third Formic War. Each warship carried a small complement of fighters.[4]


  1. ā†‘ 1.0 1.1 Earth Awakens
  2. ā†‘ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Speaker for the Dead
  3. ā†‘ 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Swarm
  4. ā†‘ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Ender's Game
  5. ā†‘ "Mazer in Prison"
  6. ā†‘ Ender in Exile
  7. ā†‘ "The Investment Counselor"
  8. ā†‘ "Renegat"
  9. ā†‘ Xenocide
  10. ā†‘ Children of the Mind
[v Ā· e Ā· ?]
International Fleet
Polemarchs: Polemarch Khudabadi Ketkar  ā€¢  Polemarch Averbach  ā€¢  Polemarch Jawaharlal Chamrajnagar  ā€¢  Polemarch Bakossi Wuri
Strategoi: Strategos Yulian Robinov  ā€¢  Strategos Shimon Levy  ā€¢  Strategos Julian Delphiki
High-ranking Officers: Major Anderson  ā€¢  Admiral Andrew Wiggin  ā€¢  Rear Admiral Fareed Zembassi  ā€¢  Captain Helena Rudolf  ā€¢  Admiral Hinckley Brown  ā€¢  Captain Hong  ā€¢  Colonel Hyrum Graff  ā€¢  Major Imbu  ā€¢  Colonel Li  ā€¢  Captain Mangold  ā€¢  Admiral Mazer Rackham  ā€¢  Colonel Michio Soshi  ā€¢  Admiral Quincy Morgan  ā€¢  Rear Admiral Shongwe  ā€¢  Captain Uphanad  ā€¢  Colonel Urska Kaluza  ā€¢  Vice Admiral Vaganov
Personnel: Afraima  ā€¢  Ensign Akbar  ā€¢  Carlotta  ā€¢  Cadet Chati  ā€¢  Sergeant Dap  ā€¢  Captain Dimak  ā€¢  Officer Jarrko Kitunen  ā€¢  Kaufman  ā€¢  Maria Rafaella Ochoa  ā€¢  Lieutenant Mustafa Shambhani  ā€¢  Nardelli  ā€¢  Lieutenant Odd Oddson  ā€¢  Lieutenant Prem Chamrajnagar  ā€¢  Lieutenant Commander Reginald Ravenshaw  ā€¢  Rimas  ā€¢  Sel Menach  ā€¢  Vitaly Kolmogorov
Groups: Second Formic War Characters  ā€¢  Ender Quintet Characters  ā€¢  Shadow Saga Characters
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Locations: Earth  ā€¢  Battle School  ā€¢  WAMRED Space Station  ā€¢  Fleet School  ā€¢  Variable Gravity Acclimatization School  ā€¢  Eros  ā€¢  Command School  ā€¢  International Fleet Schools
Ships: Condor  ā€¢  Gagak  ā€¢  IFcoltrans1  ā€¢  Vandalorum
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