I used to really like wired, before all this happened. Not just the quality and content of their articles, but I also enjoyed the strangely touchable material their covers were often made of. It gave them an extra sort of allure, the "feeling" of a superior product. Today they pointed out that I probably need a computer to give my own writing that same kind of touch-feeling presence that everyone was hoping Jesus would bring; and while statistically that might make some sense... it makes me like the staff writers there just a pinch less; spill over, I'm sure from the barrage of emails that you might consider the E-mail Flood of Noah-ah, that has been not just ignored but shunned by the mass media even to this day... when it's beyond clear that these are the answers to the questions of the ages and religions and even more pertinent than that, the answers to our problems.
Now a days my pleasure reading has declined, along with my pleasure television watching--even in this time when you might consider these things a "job duty," you know, if I was being paid at all for what I do still believe is some of the most important work that's ever been done. At the same time I've noticed a tangible decline in the number of people commenting on anything I post on Facebook and LinkedIn--two of the places that have stood the test of time and not really banned or blocked this content. Of course, under the hood both have "secret sauce" algorithms to tell you what you should be interested in and on top of that a number of times I've noticed that Facebook (and even "don't be evil" Google) have marked this content as evil-phishing malware and emblazoned them with warnings akin to "only the penitent man may enter"--making click-thru's that much less frequent. I thought in my head that this lack of conversation was "abnormal" behavior that I linked to the mind control conspiracy that I was very much enthralled with since the early days of my writing. I suppose it is that, it is the product of "Medusa" though as the years have flown by the rank of years; it is becoming more clear that there is a "reason" behind all of this more than subtle control, more than doublethink and sleight of mind.
Ladies, I da ho. ;)
it's off to the land of flowing milfs and honies we go...
M E R R Y C H R I S ♂ M A S
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