The New Yorker has made its coronavirus news coverage and analysis free for all readers.

Medical Dispatch

The COVID-19 Vaccine Could Be the Fastest Ever Developed

Pending the results of a Phase III trial, the biotech company Moderna could have a vaccine ready for approval as soon as the fall.

Letter from Trump’s Washington

Trump Is a Superspreader—of Distraction

In a matter of days, a hundred thousand will be dead from the pandemic, and the President is mass-proliferating diversions.

Annals of Technology

Immunity Passports and the Perils of Conferring Coronavirus Status

Smartphone apps that promise to verify whether a user has been infected with COVID-19 might be creating more problems than they solve.

Annals of Gastronomy

The Case for Letting the Restaurant Industry Die

Tunde Wey, the New Orleans-based activist-artist and cook, describes his radical vision of a more equitable culinary world.

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Daily Comment

China Declares Victory Over COVID-19 and Critics of the Communist Party

This year, the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress are turning into a self-congratulatory pageant in which the Party’s emboldened leadership celebrates itself.

Musical Events

Concerts in the Void

The sound is often tinny, the stage patter awkward, but live-streamed events have generated moments of startling power.

Cultural Comment

Anthony Davis’s Revolutionary Opera: “X”

After the composer’s Pulitzer win for “The Central Park Five,” now is the time to reconsider his groundbreaking opera about the life of Malcolm X.

News Desk

The Fragile Existence of Sex Workers During the Pandemic

They face not only a drop in employment but also discrimination and stigma as they search for relief.

Tables for Two

Restaurants Reclaim the Frozen Dinner

As fast as takeout and often more delicious, frozen food from local businesses and restaurants is blissfully immune to the passage of time.

Puzzles & Games Dept.

The Weekend Crossword

Creator of Sethe and Beloved: four letters.

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The Latest

To Test a Vaccine for COVID-19, Should Volunteers Risk their Lives?

Larissa MacFarquhar on a potentially lethal form of medical research. Plus, Jelani Cobb on the killing of Ahmaud Arbery; and a short story about a very boring Memorial Day.

3:59 P.M.

Theatre of the Absurd

Now in its fourth bewildering year.

3:50 P.M.

On Being Gainfully Unemployed

Day 22: Start an intolerable podcast reviewing bodega toilet paper.

2:00 P.M.

Daily Cartoon: Friday, May 22nd

“Must be nice to escape somewhere luxe.”

8:00 A.M.

Batman Works from Home

I can’t help but wonder if it would have been better for the world if I’d used my fortune to combat inequality instead of getting nipples added and then removed from my Batsuit.

7:00 A.M.
More Stories
From This Week’s Issue

Is Capitalism Racist?

A scholar depicts white supremacy as the economic engine of American history.


Quarantine Hall of Shame

Zoom distractions, sourdough-starter flops, and other ways to fail from home.



“To spend twenty years living opposite a monster without recognizing his evil might, Eva supposed, require a special kind of delusion.”

Daily Cartoon


Could the Pandemic Change Iran’s Political Future?

Ayatollah Khamenei has controlled the country for decades, but COVID-19 poses a threat to his regime, exacerbating Iran’s economic woes and Iranians’ distrust of their government.

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