New will

Nobel Prize in Physics 1978

How the Big Bang was mistaken for pigeon droppings.On 20 May 1964, the first measurements clearly showing the presence...

Posted by Nobel Prize on Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Watch the new documentary series

A team of female Yazidi deminers in Iraq attempting to clear their land of mines left behind by ISIS.  A team of scientists on an extraordinary mission in Mozambique to help better our understanding of climate change. A man building prosthetic legs to help victims of war walk again in South Sudan ... All are inspired by Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

Into the fire - image

Listen to Nobel Prize laureates

Esther Duflo: "People live in very different circumstances "

In 2019 Esther Duflo was awarded the Prize in Economic Sciences for her work fighting poverty. She was the second woman and youngest person to do so. In this interview she talks about how to increase the number of female economists, how economics and sustainability correlate and how India became her second home.

Olga Tokarczuk: "The characters are coming from outside to my story"

Olga Tokarczuk was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature "for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life." In this interview she talks about her childhood, the road to becoming a Nobel Prize-awarded author, her love of fairytales and the process of writing.

Laureates share their thoughts

2019 Physics Laureates: Why I got into science

“I used to break apart stuff just to understand how it works”

James Peebles, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz were awarded last year’s Nobel Prize in Physics for contributions to our understanding of the evolution of the universe and Earth’s place in the cosmos. Here they tell why they got into science.

Nobel Prize Conversations

"You have to develop another way of thinking"

In this conversation Oliver Hart explores the importance of words and language for a researcher, how being good at economics is about learning to THINK like an economist and how his parents influenced him to think that anyone who’s not left-wing is an idiot.

In 2016, Oliver Hart was awarded the Prize in Economic Sciences for his contribution to contract theory.

More conversations

50 years of Earth Day

Sustainable courage

Greta Thunberg and Johan Rockström met for a digital conversation about courage, solidarity and opportunities in times of crisis, streamed from the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm on Earth Day, 22 April.

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish climate and environmental activist. Johan Rockström is professor of Earth Sciences and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.

Nobel Prize Concert 2020

The world-renowned pianist Igor Levit will be performing at this year's Nobel Prize Concert on 8 December. At his side, he will have conductor Stéphane Denève leading the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra.

Date for ticket release will be published later.

Igor Levit

Igor Levit

Photo: Robbie Lawrence

Women who changed science: Barbara McClintock

Throughout her career, Barbara McClintock studied the cytogenetics of maize, making discoveries so far beyond the understanding of the time that other scientists essentially ignored her work for more than a decade. But she persisted, trusting herself and the evidence under her microscope.

Discover her story


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Coming up

Nobel Prize nominations

In his last will and testament, Alfred Nobel specifically designated the institutions responsible for the prizes he wished to be established.

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Nobel Prizes 2019

Alfred Nobel - Established the Nobel Prize

On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris, France. The Swedish dynamite millionaire, who thought that his invention would end all wars, had now realised that it was a very deadly product. Wanting to make amends, he did what no man of such wealth had done before ...

Alfred Nobel Will

On 10 December 1901 the first Nobel Prizes were awarded, in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace. Read more about the first prizes.

The first Nobel Prize Award Ceremony was held in 1901 at the Royal Academy of Music, Stockholm.

Chemist, engineer and industrialist Alfred Nobel left 31 million SEK (today about 265 million dollar) to fund the Nobel Prizes. Read more about his life and work.

A new house for culture and science

The new center will be built at Slussen, with sweeping views of Stockholm harbour and the central city. For the past few years, Slussen has been undergoing a major renovation and reconfiguration. With its broad public activities, the Nobel Center will be an important piece of the puzzle in developing Slussen into a lively meeting place.

Slussen aerial

Slussen aerial

Image: Dbox/Foster and partner.

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Nobel destinations

Stockholm, Sweden
The Nobel Prize: Ideas Changing the World (3)

The museum showcases the discoveries and creativity of the Nobel Laureates.

Photo: Åke Eson Lindman

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The story of each Peace Laureate is told at the museum.

Photo: Johannes Granseth / Nobel Peace Center

In memoriam

Theoretical physicists Philip W. Anderson has passed away aged 96. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems.

Philip W. Anderson

Betty Williams died on 17 March, age 76. She shared the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize with Mairead Corrigan for founding a peace organisation to bring an end to the bitter conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.

Betty Williams

Medicine Laureate Stanley Cohen passed away on 5 February.  He shared the 1986 Medicine Prize for "discoveries of growth factors", discoveries which are of fundamental importance for our understanding of the mechanisms which regulate cell and organ growth.

Stanley Cohen

Kary B. Mullis was awarded the 1993 Chemistry Prize for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. PCR has been of major importance in both medical research and forensic science.

Kary B. Mullis