Top definition
BUMP to bring up somebody's post typically by posting the word "bump" on a message board
Can also stand for
by Mike Oxlong February 12, 2003
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In message board terms, to move a post to the top of the forum with a pointless reply, usually to one's own thread.
John likes to bump his threads because he wants more replies to his post.
by Bubbleman January 28, 2003
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Any song that makes you wanna jam play it on repeat.
that's song's such a bump yo!! turn it up!!!!
by lol123emily March 05, 2017
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This word is posted to a topic tread if the poster wants to re-call attention to the thread.
Most regular forum users typically hit "new posts" to read new posts since their last visit, so an old topic will be lost to these readers. Bumping a topic is essentially "bumping" it back into view for most readers.
by mackaroon May 18, 2005
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