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The part of the body where Thor should've aimed at Thanos in Infinity War.
Why the hell didn't Thor aim for the head.
by Kramerkape September 07, 2018
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That big hard object that is on top of your neck and some people have the ability to think with it
that tree does not have a head
by iambleh March 17, 2016
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When a penis is pleasured by a mouth and tongue!
Chad caught Kiersten giving Craig Head in his office and demanded they each give him some or be fired!
by SlopNChop November 27, 2016
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Another word for a blow job.
Girls use this to ask guys if they'll let them suck their dick. "Saying I give good head."
Jordan gives good head.
Zach gets head twice a week because hes popular.
She gives amazing head.
by Wile-e coyote February 21, 2017
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1. Slang term used for a blowjob.
2. An ugly hideous person.
3. Also see: mole
1. "That girl gives good head."
2. "That bitch is a head."
"Whatta head."
by PotatoChip May 13, 2003
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1. (noun) Term originating during the late 1960s for members of drug subculture. Can refer to any sort of user, but was originally most associated with the use of psychotropic substances like mescaline, LSD and DMT.

2. (interjection) Backstage jargon: When something is accidentally dropped from the lighting grid/fly loft, a shout of "HEADS!" alerts crew working below. Like shouting "fore" in golf--except with a 30 lb. spotlight instead of a 6 oz. golfball.
1. Stoner 1: Hey, do you think the that old guy who sells bootleg CDs down at the flea market could hook us up?

Stoner 2: Oh yeah, he's a total old-school head!

2. HEADS! *loud crash*
by We'll sleep when we're dead. December 28, 2005
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