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Encyclopaedia of Islam online Preview this item
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Encyclopaedia of Islam online

Publisher: Leiden : Brill
Edition/Format:   Journal, magazine : EnglishView all editions and formats
The Encyclopaedia of Islam Online Edition combines a familiar look with fast and effective research facilities. The entire text of volumes I to XI and Supplement (Volume XII) of the monumental, printed edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam is now easily available on your computer screen. Additional search facilities and the Supplement enable the user to efficiently search and combine data from a vast corpus of over  Read more...

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Material Type: Internet resource
Document Type: Journal / Magazine / Newspaper, Internet Resource
OCLC Number: 219379457
Notes: The Encyclopaedia of Islam Online Edition combines a familiar look with fast and effective research facilities. The entire text of volumes I to XI and Supplement (Volume XII) of the monumental, printed edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam is now easily available on your computer screen. Additional search facilities and the Supplement enable the user to efficiently search and combine data from a vast corpus of over 12,000 printed pages within seconds.
Description: Online-Ressource
Other Titles: EI


The Encyclopaedia of Islam Online Edition combines a familiar look with fast and effective research facilities. The entire text of volumes I to XI and Supplement (Volume XII) of the monumental, printed edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam is now easily available on your computer screen. Additional search facilities and the Supplement enable the user to efficiently search and combine data from a vast corpus of over 12,000 printed pages within seconds.


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